Our Codes
Codes of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Students
Students and their advancement are the main raison d’etrefor the existence of any Educational Institution. Malwanchal University on this principle attaches utmost importance to its students. We want our students to be great moral and ethical human beings. With this purpose, we have provided for this following “Code of Conduct” for the students.
- Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of discipline and dignified manner of behavior inside as well as outside the University campus. They should abide by rules and regulations of the University to maintain the esteem of Malwanchal University.
- All the students are expected to be present in the classes and clinics in time.
- Students shouldrespect teaching faculty and behave courteously towards teaching faculty at all times. Discipline shall be observed during class hours.
- Teacher should be greeted appropriately. No student shall enter or leave the class room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
- Students attending clinical sessions should report to the clinics in time and they are expected not to leave the clinics during the scheduled time.
- In the events of student seminar, project presentations, etc., it is compulsory that all the students of the concerned class be present for the entire session.
- Students can leave the campus during class hours only after getting a gate pass from the concerned authority and after making entry in the Gate register maintained by the gate keeper.
- All students should leave the classes after the completion of the class.
- Students should come to the University in approved uniforms. If there’s no uniform prescribed, students are directed to come in decent formal dresses.
- All the students are expected to attend all University functions with the maintenance of a proper discipline.
- All the students should wear their identity cards, well displayed.
- Students are expected to maintain silence in and around the academic areas to maintain the decorum.
- Students are encouraged to make use of the library, common computer facilities and to involve in professional body activities or any program authorized by the University beyond class hours. However, under normal circumstances, the students shall retreat to their hostels or residences by the prescribed time.
- Students should keep the campus neat and clean. Students should not put any waste anywhere in the campus except in the waste baskets.
- Mobile phones should remain in silent mode in the University premises. Telephonic callsare not to be entertained during classes and academic training sessions.
- During examinations, students are not allowed to leave the examination hall within the specified time period for that examination from the beginning of the exam and no student will be given entry into the examination hall after the lapse of the permitted time period specified for the entry of scheduled time of commencement of examination.
- Students are to refrain from activities such as scribbling or noting on walls, doors or furniture which could deface the University / Institution and destroy the academic ambiance.
- Consumption of intoxicants / psychotropic substances in any form or smoking or using panmasala, etc. are strictly prohibited.
- Students are not permitted to arrange any unauthorized celebrations and decorations of any magnitude in the campus. Students are not permitted to distribute or display (both physically and electronically) material(s) such as notices, banners, etc. in the campus without the permission of the competent authority.
- Students should carefully handle the furniture, equipments, fixtures and appliance of the University / Institution including class rooms, clinics, demonstration rooms,laboratories, hostels, canteen, etc. Careless handling/misuse of any fixtures, equipments, materials, etc. belonging to the University / Institution that may result in injury to person or damage to property should be avoided. Students should follow safety precautions in vicinity ofmachinery / equipments / materials and electrical installations.
- Students who intend to represent the University / Institution in Intercollegiate / Inter-University events shall take prior permission from the concerned competent authority and the selection will be based on parameters such as excellence in the particular field, academic performance, attendance, character, existing academic pressure and competence of the student in the proposed event for participation.
- Students are expected to make use of academic, co-curricular and extracurricular facilities available to the optimum levels.
- Political activity in any form is not permitted in the University campus. Unauthorized meeting, propaganda, work processions or fund collection, etc. are forbidden within the University campus as a whole including Institutions, hostels, etc.
- Harassing and ill treatment to any fellow human beings including ragging is forbidden. As per the directives of Honorable Supreme Court and UGC regulations, every student should fill an anti-ragging undertaking. This is to be filled online at www.antiragging.in or www.amanmovement.org . Toll free number to report ragging is 18001805522.
- Timely payment of fees, mess bills, etc. are essential.
Code of Conduct for Teaching Faculty
The teaching profession has a distinguished record of service all over the world. This Code of Professional Conduct for Teaching Faculty reiterates and makes explicit the values and standards that have long been experienced by students during their education.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to serve as a guiding compass as Teaching Faculty seek to steer a respectful and ethicalcoursethrough their career in teaching and to upholdthe honour and dignity of the teaching profession.
- The teaching faculty should not only confine his / her activities to classroom teaching but also involve himself / herself in all the efforts of the University / Institution in giving extra inputs to the students so as not only to take the students towards academic brilliance but also to enable the students to become confident, competent and all round developed personalities.
- Teaching faculty should ensure that they are dressed decently and appropriately for the tasks they undertake.
- The teaching faculty undertakes not to carry on any other trade, business, or activity which goes against the contract of employment with the University / Institution.
- The teaching faculty should not indulge in any form of anti-institutional activity and should not promote, abet, assist or motivate any groupism or unhealthy activity.
- The teaching faculty should actively associate, involve, participate in the University / Institution activities and programmes. He/ she shall motivate students likewise to actively involve, associate and participate in the various programmes and activities of the University / Institution.
- The teaching faculty should report to the Management / University if there is any criminal complaint, action/proceeding lodged against him/ her in any police Station / Court / Forum.
- Every teaching faculty should discharge his / her duties efficiently and diligently to match with the academic standards and performance norms laid down by the Management / University / Institution from time to time.
- The teaching faculty should not collect any money from any one including students.
- Every teaching faculty should conduct himself / herself with absolute dignity and decorum in his / her dealings with the superiors, colleagues and students every time.
- Every teaching faculty should update his/her knowledge and skills to equip himself/herself professionally for the proper discharge of duties assigned to him/her.
- No teaching faculty should attempt to bring any outside pressure on his / her superior authorities in respect of service matters.
- No teaching faculty should absent himself/herself from duties at any time without prior permission from higher authority(ies).
- No teaching faculty should act in any manner that violates the norms of decency or morality in his / her conduct or behaviour inside and outside the University campus.
- No teaching faculty should participate in any strike or demonstration and /or indulge in any criticism of Management / University / constituent Institution(s) or their policy(ies) or of the Government or its policy(ies) for any reason whatsoever.
- No teaching faculty should by act or deed degrade, harass or insult any other person for any reason whatsoever or act in a manner unbecoming of the teaching profession.
- Every teaching faculty in service of the University / Institution should at all times strive for academic excellence in the discharge of his / her duties and conduct himself / herself in the manner of an ideal role model for others to emulate.
- No teaching faculty should incite, provoke or instigate any student(s),staff or patient(s)into any form of action against the Management / University / Institution or that seeks to disrupt the academic or professional related activities of the University / Institution.
Code of Conduct for Nonteaching Staff
- Staff must maintain high standards of punctuality, honesty and professional ethics.
- They should work within the institutional policies and practices so as to achieve the vision andmission of the Institution / University.
- Staff should ensure that they are dressed decentlyand appropriately for the tasks they undertake.
- Staff should cooperate and collaborate with colleagues and external agencies necessary tosupport the development of the institutions and students.
- Staff should act in a professional and congenial manner towards colleagues, irrespective oftheir relative position, gender or status within the official hierarchy.
- Staff should maintain harmonious relations with other staff and students.
- Staff should maintain confidentiality in conduct of examinations and any other information.
- Information should be revealed maintaining professional ethics and protocol only.
- Staff should follow the instructions and directions of the official authority.
- Staff should constructively contribute towards the development and progress of the Institutions and University.
- Staff should strictly adhere to the academic requirements of the University / Institution(s) and maintain thesanctity of academic and working environment.
- Staff should extend their services for the welfare of the community and society at large.
- Staff should properly maintain the records of respective portfolio.
- Staff should make an effort forcontinuous development through training programmes, workshops, research and development activities.
Code of Conduct for Governing Body
The University will be managed by a regularly constituted Governing Body. The composition, functions and other conditions pertaining to the Governing Body shall be as prescribed in the Statutes of the University.
- Members of the Governing Body should uphold the ideals enshrined in the University’s Handbook of Human Values and Professional Ethics.
- No property of Trust will be used for personal benefits.
- The members of Governing Body should maintain their character, transparency, mannerisms and good image.
- The members of the Governing Body can obtain professional service from the Trust employee as and when required.
- Members of the Governing Body should not express non-satisfaction with any decision made by the Board of Management. It should be discussed or expressed in the meeting only and one must respect majority taking the decisions.
- If any member of Governing Body needs any primary information from constituent institutions, he/she should communicate with the Head of Institution.
- If any misbehavior and action by the employee defames the University / Institution, it should be communicated to the Registrar orally or in writing.
- All members of the Governing Body should keep in mind that no person is greater than University / Institution.
- The Governing Body should receive all communication in writingfrom the Head of Institution(s) and in the same way the Governing Body will reciprocate.
- The Governing Body should respect other members’ opinions and give them a chance to express themselves and if necessary, permit them to register contradictory opinions.
Code of Conduct for Vice-Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor of the University is responsible for addressing and resolving all issues concerned with the stakeholders of education. This code of conduct provides an explicit definition of the standards of professional conduct expected from the Vice-Chancellor.
Subject to the supervision and general control of the management, the Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for:
- The Vice-Chancellor should strive to plan and execute the vision and mission of the University.
- Academic growth of the University through its constituent institutions.
- Promotion of the teaching, research and training programmes of the institutions under the aegis of the University.
- Aiding in creating a work environment for the planning and implementation of academic programmes such as refresher/orientation courses, seminars, in-service and other training programmes organized by the University.
- The overall administration of the University and its constituent units.
- Administration and supervision of curricular, co-curricular/extracurricular or extra-mural, students welfare activities and ensure proper maintenance of records.
- Observance of the Act(s), Statute(s), Ordinance(s), Regulation(s), Rule(s) and other Order(s) issued there under by the University authorities and bodies from time to time.
- Shall ensure proper supervision of the examinations, setting of question papers, moderation and assessment of answer papers and such other work pertaining to the examinations. Overall supervision of the University Examinations.
- Observance of financial ethics.
Our Institutions
Malwanchal University
Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Center
Index Institute of Dental Sciences
Index Nursing College
Department of Physiotherapy and Paramedical Sciences
Department of Pharmacy
Index Institute of Pharmacy
Index Ayurvedic College Hospital & Research Centre
Index Homoeopathic College Hospital & Research Centre
Department of Management
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Other Courses